Izdelki za miza thomas moser (2)

Francoska Pisalna Miza – 2001

Francoska Pisalna Miza – 2001

You will be able to find every standard part of interior design in the furniture factory “Evrica’s catalogue. However, you can also find there exceptional designer furniture which can be bought only by people who have exceptional taste and who appreciate highly the high style in every part of their everyday life. The French bureau desk with its exceptionally elegant design and style is among this type of furniture. Nowadays more people have desks at their homes but only the most elegant housewives can boast of their French bureau desk model. We produce this desk model to be exported to France but customers from other countries have also the opportunity to buy it. It is made to order and its standard catalogue measures are the following 700/1060/500. The furniture factory “Evrica’s pays basic attention to its customers. You do not have to bother if you have small space for a similar piece of furniture.
Pisarna – 2070

Pisarna – 2070

A retro bureau desk model produced from the solid wood of oak tree The retro bureau model produced by the furniture factory “Evrica” is a perfect choice for people having dynamic professions but people who appreciate highly the in transient beauty of the furniture produced by the old masters. People who appreciate the classical style and elegant style will be undoubtedly impressed by this desk model. They will be offered by our company an exceptional sample having the following measures 1000/930/575, it is produced from beech, cherry, oak or lime tree. The bureau desk model is beautiful, elegant and comfortable but it is not designed to be used by people who spend most of their time in the office buried in documents and company archives. This bureau desk model is a more suitable piece of furniture for professionals for whom communication is the more important part of their job insurers, architects, designers, ad specialists, lawyers, doctors, etc.